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We are working to remedy the situation and bring these favorite endangered flavors back from the brink of extinction.Vulnerable (Stocks are Low)
Endangered (Limited Quantites)
Critically Endangered (Out of Stock)
Extinct (Retired Out of Stock)
ALAWICIOUS Wild Grape Mead (Sweet)
The brew that started it all at the Fitzgibbon Meadery, Alawicious is our own blend of Wild Grapes and Locally Sourced Honey. So good, even the dreaded viking, Fluffy Thorgrimson, demands more Alawicious, "Right Meow!" Drink Alawicious, He's Delicious!
RETIRED - CURRENTLY OUT OF STOCK We do not know if or when we will have Alawicious back in stock. The Wild Grape harvest was terrible in 2021. If you have a hankering for a Pyment, Frederick has a very similar taste profile. |
ANNABELLE Peach Mead (Sweet)
Annabelle reckons she throws the best Cotillions y’all ever did see. What’s a Cotillion you ask? Why bless your heart, it’s like a big dress-up Ball with music, and dancing, and food, and pretty girls in their pretty dresses. Annabelle just loves a good Cotillion. The only thing she loves more is a leisurely promenade through her spacious garden while sipping a nice glass of Peach Mead. Well that and planning her next Cotillion, of course.
BENEDICT Earl Grey Mead (Sweet)
Sir Benedict Fuzzybottom, Seventh Yarl of Grey, is not afraid to fight for what he holds dear - truth, justice, and a damn good cup of tea. But please, don’t get him started on tea. He’ll go on for days and days on his latest tea exploits. Like that time he single handedly stopped a Viking invasion by sharing with their Chieftain this Mead fermented with Earl Grey Tea. And he’s always ferreting out new things to try with tea, like crumpets and scones, and barmbrack from somewhere in deepest Ireland. But you’ll have to forgive him, tea and ferreting are in his nature, after all.
BERRY NICE Mixed Berry Mead (Sweet)
Basically, we threw in every berry we could find, hunted down their relatives and threw them in too, to make this "oh-so-nice" black raspberry, mulberry and blueberry mead. And we feel that it is very nice, or if you have a bad French accent from watching too many British comedies like we do, then it's "Berry Nice." Drink it with a, I don't know what, a "je ne sais quoi" maybe?
BLUEBERRY MOON Blueberry Mead (Semi-Sweet)
Our finest Blueberry Mead, brewed with the utmost care in the dark recesses of the Fitzgibbon Estate on a Full Moon while the Sun was in Canis Major and Uranus aligned with Mars. Drink with abandon and a Joie de Vivre but keep a silver bullet at the ready. Howling Good!
CORDELIA Chai Spiced Mead (Semi-Sweet)
Cordelia loves her Chai Tea, Cordelia loves her friend the bee, and Cordelia loves looking out to sea. But the only thing Cordelia loves more than her tea, bee and sea is a nice big glass of Cordelia. Which is weird, because who drinks things named after them? I mean really, it's like Kenny having a glass of Kenny... odd, right?
CORSAIR Mead with Red Chili Peppers (Sweet and Mildly Spicy)
We’ve given Cap’n Mell a Letter of Marque and set him out on the high seas to prowl for adventurous taste buds. |
DAVE and The Rhubarbarians Rhubarb Wine (Sweet)
Growing up in the uncivilized wilds, Dave always knew he wanted more out of life than burning and pillaging. Sure, he loved to hear the screaming of the villagers, but did it have to include so much destruction? So he started his own band in the Chieftan’s garage where he and a couple of the other Rhubarbarians meet twice a week to write songs and drink Rhubarb Wine. So what if none of them can play an instrument? And who cares if Dave can’t carry a tune? The Beatles had to start somewhere, right? Right? Now if only they could figure out how someone plays an Axe.
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DRYAD Cherry Mead (Dry)
If you let a dryad settle on your hillside, she will want to put down roots. If she puts down roots, she will want to bask in the sun. If she basks in the sun, she will want a horn of cherry mead to cool off. And before you know it, there will be no more cherry mead. So if you value your cherry mead, never let a dryad settle on your hillside.
EMBER Tangering Mead (Semi-Sweet)
While tanning on a Tantalite hillside in Tanzania, Ember once witnessed a tandem of Scarlet Tanagers doing the Tango tangent to a tangled field of Tansies. The tantalizing emotions it evoked in her were tantamount to the tanginess of a tankard of her favorite Tangerine Mead. Or so she says. |
FREDERICK Concord Grape Mead (Semi-Sweet)
Frederick would like you to know that you’re OK and he likes you for who you are. Sit down, take a load off, and have a flagon or two of Grape Mead. Can he get you something? A dish of Lutefisk? A sock warmer? Maybe the latest edition of Norseman Quarterly? Frederick is helpful that way and always with a smile. Thorgrim has never been prouder of his fierce son Fluffy... but his other son, Frederick? There’s something decidedly not quite Viking about him.
KENNY Traditional Mead (Sweet)
Well known fact, liquids will take the form of the container they are put into. A little known fact, cats also take the form of the container they are put into and are therefore liquids. Another fact, Kenny Kitty was the sweetest of Kitties. This traditional sweet mead is named in his honor. So take a bottle of Kenny and fill yourself a glass of Kenny and drink up to his memory.
KENNETH Bourbon Barrel-Aged Traditional Mead (Sweet)
Smooth... Sophisticated... Mature... An elegant mead for a more civilized age!
LIVID Lemon Mead (Sweet)
When Life Gives You Lemons... When Life Gives You If Life Gives You
ORIGINAL SIN Apple Wine (Sweet)
Just One Drink. You Know You Wanna! Our Apple Wine was crafted from the finest forbidden fruit that was plucked with joyful abandon, crushed, and then fermented with little thought to the consequences. Paradise Lost never tasted so good.
RYOKO Plum Wine (Sweet)
When Ryoko was just a hatchling among her Water Dragon brethren, she used to dream of being the world’s only Plum Wine Dragon. Her elders would laugh and tell her to be reasonable. She would nod while secretly reciting this haiku to herself. Tiny Dragon Smiles Dream on, little Plum Wine Dragon, dream on!
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PICAROON Mango Habanero Mead (Sweet and Very Spicy)
When Airship Captain Lionel Bavington heard that Cap’n Mell was recruiting for his Spicy Corsair Armada, he dropped his plans to raid the Tower of London for the Crown Jewels and scooted across the pond to join up. And with him came his family’s not-so-secret recipe for Mango Mead with Habaneros, passed down for generations from father to kitten. The Bavingtons know full well that in order to be a good Airship Pirate one needs to be sweet... and spicy. |
SAHARA Traditional Mead (Dry)
If you've ever been through the desert on a camel with no name, then you know how refreshing a nice cold traditional mead can be. So find a cool Oasis and have yourself a nice glass of Sahara. And Sahara is a dry mead, because it was out in the sun too long and probably has heat stroke... probably.
SIGRID Elderberry Mead (Sweet)
Like most dragons, Sigrid has a hoard of her favorite things - gold, jewels, books, classic rock & roll albums on vinyl, and her most treasured possession, a large viking drinking horn made by the Dwarf Brok for Odin himself, filled to the brim with Elderberry Mead.
THORGRIM Blood Orange Mead with Rosemary (Dry)
Old Man Thorgrim has lived many of his nine lives, fought many battles with his trusty axe, and drank many horns of mead with his sons, Fluffy and Frederick. Thorgrim’s not much for words. In fact, if you were to ask him what was best in life, he would answer simply, “Blood.” And while you may be forgiven for thinking he means the blood of battle, what he really finds best is the blood ties of family. Or maybe he means the Blood Oranges in this smooth, dry, Blood Orange mead with Rosemary. Maybe? Like we said, Thorgrim’s not much for words.